Static Culture
Hannah Hallam-Eames
27/04/17 - 20/05/17
The Yellow Room.


Opened Thursday 27th April at 6pm.

Static Culture is here to unfold the capitalist potentials of maximised algae production by the means of virtual and speculative machines.

Algae has been identified as a future biofuel producer, a health food and as a host body for genetic engineering and nuclear encoding. Algae could be a vessel for sustainable living practices. Static Culture however, chooses to accent how Algae is also a representative of our capitalist, white supremacist, patriarchal, heteronormative culture. A capitalism that is convinced that it envelops and steers other apparently, silent bodies.

In 2017, it’s the end of the world, capitalism is asked to save itself through the very logic of its demise. A growing tank of algae stands in with its very banality, for the frightening implications of such a logic.

Photography by Hugh Chesterman
Design by Tom Hammar.