Birds, blue and gold
Jaimee Stockman-Young & Anna Rankin
27/11/9 – 14/12/19
Opened Wednesday 27th November at 5:30pm.
First spiders, and then it was birds. And lampshades and chairs and a stained Ikea duvet and a pair of matching brass candlesticks and the way one organizes a newly-bare room with a few scant items when constantly moving apartments in order to locate some centrifugal sense of a unified self. Most things end up homed on the floorboards because when you don’t have furniture to lug around you come to realise it’s often unnecessary.
Spiders because at first they were omens, little carriers of meaning that would emerge from the ceiling or the dusty corners of the windowpane with oddly perfect timing; right when she was reaching for a thought. Then birds because they too carried omens, they were breeding all around her one brisk season; they seemed to flutter like mailed letters, and made homes out of whatever materials were close at hand, in the most precarious of places, made stable by their flight and their return. *
Birds, Blue and Gold is a collaborative exploration of belonging, strained connection, and the self/Self. The artists have brought this show together across Aotearoa and Los Angeles, appropriately traversing the apartness of their connection and how to reconcile intimacy within dislocation. A space built to understand our fractious lives and not knowing what home is. How can we reconcile our pasts within the present into some kind of future - knowing what we know, and we do not know.
*text taken from - Anna Rankin - Birds, blue and gold (2019) full text available from the gallery.
Photography by Pippy McClenaghan
Design by Brad Heappey
Sponsored by ParrotDog