The Romantic Picturesque
Christopher Ulutupu
Princes Park Battery, Salamanca Markets, Hobart
04/11/17 – 12/11/17
Opened Saturday 4th November at 5pm.
The Romantic Picturesque is a culmination of performance and video works inspired by postcards of the early 1900’s of the Pacific. Drawing upon exotic landscapes, which garnered such fascinations of the western world and then colonisers of Aotearoa. Aiming to re-centre our fixation with the picturesque, collaborating with other performers, artist, and musicians to explore themes of love, nature and poetry.
Inspired by the works of Yuki Kihaara and Greg Semu, exploring works, which aimed to reclaim the land, and the brown bodies that occupied them from their European counterparts. Intersecting references from pop culture and tourist imaginaries, colliding into each other, The Romantic Picturesque displays a new way of expressing poetry in exotic landscapes.
Public programming
- Exhibition: The Romantic Picturesque: The Postcard Series
- Artist Talk: Into the Arms of my Coloniser : Re-imagining Myself And The
Other. A presentation of these two shows and research into myself as other and
identity politics.
- Karaoke Shoot: Public callout to participants to attend and participate in a
Karaoke inspired shoot. Where participants (including local artists) would work collaboratively to produce a series of Power Ballads in picturesque landscapes scattered around local tourists destinations in Hobart.
Photography by Llewellyn Millhouse
Design by Tom Hammar.
Special thanks to Creative New Zealand.