Cirque Du Killing ll: For Peanuts 

The Killing

12/10/23 – 4/11/23


The Killing is a six-celled body— a myriad of individual identities and experiences. It exists as an aggregate; a complex form entangling similarities and differences.

Cirque Du Killing ll: For Peanuts expands on their ongoing exploration of self and physical being through the form of the circus. Blending their range of skills and mediums, The Killing constructs another bodily experience of space and scale. What may first appear as a blind frolic into a comatose high of diverse entertainment, leads to a subconscious awareness of one’s size, agency, and bystanding. For Peanuts further extends on the collective's core principles of play and naivety— reimagining traditional motifs and subjects of the circus into an indulgence of colour and catastrophe.

We invite you to consider your participation, as the peanut or the elephant. 

“There’s only two types of people in the world; the ones who entertain, and the ones that observe.” - Britney Jean Spears, 2008.

Design by Harry Wilson
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