Expedition One. Te Ika A Maui Road Trip
November 20th - 30th 2017 | Bent x chevron Hassett
A fleet of vehicles travelling through Te Ika A Maui, jammed pack of artists, tools, materials and ideas. Searching for outdoor and public spaces in which to paint, photograph, film, build, break, talk, scream, be quiet, write, walk, run, cook, eat, shit, pack, unpack, pack, make art and socialize with other creatives.
Rushing to make it on time to our arranged meetings, Expedition One seeks to engage the making in art making and the being in social being. Chevron Hassett x Bent with support from play_station artist run space, would like to invite you on a 10-day road trip around the North Island, producing on site works, camping, visiting artists and artists organizations.
Departing from play_station the 20th of November, we set venture into new spaces, new environments and around new people. Out time on the road in-between each location, will be having spontaneous stops here and there for projects, korero and kai. We will be meeting up with artists, visiting galleries, art incentives and public projects/works along the way.
Our camping and meeting locations through, out the trip will be Whanganui, Rotorua, East Coast and Napier.
Upon arrival, play_station opens its space for the last show of the year, inviting the group of travelling artists to exhibit their discoveries, documentations, foraged findings and creations realized throughout the trip. Exhibition Dates; December 7th - 16th
Artist interested in the land, public space, performance, photography, videography, sound art, public art, graffiti, on site writing, and any other application that may be undertook on the road and/or onsite are encouraged to apply.
To apply send in a one-page PDF with a brief introduction to your practice/projects, some images of your work, why you would like to attend, potential project that you may wish to realize whilst on the trip and a tools/materials list
Send in your application or queries to playstation.space.info@gmail.com labelled 'Expedition One Application'
Applications due October 29th.
Limited Capacity; 10 Artists
This project is self-funded and includes a fee per artist of $180 NZD to cover travel, food and camp ground costs.
Interested applicants with access to a vehicle are urged to contact us
Chevron Hassett x Bent