play_station Film Festival (PSFF) is presenting its second iteration in late 2024 and we are seeking proposals for both new and existing video work.
We hosted the first iteration of PSFF at the gallery in 2023— showing nine artist films from eleven artists.
You can find a link to more info about our past event here: PSFF
The 2024 edition of PSFF will be hosted at larger venues at multiple locations around the country.
Some important info:
PSFF will present a mix of new commissions and existing work.
If submitting an existing work, it must be over 5 minutes and less than 20 minutes. For new work, please plan to make work that fits this time frame.
Proposals are due no later than 11 March 2024 at 11:59 pm. Late proposals will not be considered.
Successful applicants will receive a $500 commission for new work or $100 for existing work.
All work must be exhibited as a digital video file.
All proposals to be emailed to:
What we will need:
A written proposal of no more than 400 words.
Please include:
Contact details (Name, email address, phone number)
Proposed video concept and context, outline the specifics of the project.
Supporting documentation of proposed film and links to recent video artworks.
Any additional supporting materials
An artist CV if applicable
What we are offering:
The opportunity to have your work screened across the country.
A facilitator from play_station as your point of contact for the development of your work.
play_station will offer curatorial and technical support for the development of your film.
Promotion of your work.
Other stuff:
play_station film festival will screen multiple times around Aotearoa in the later months of 2024.
We are happy to discuss additional or specific support on a case by case basis. Please include details in your proposal.
Works must be single channel AKA: one video file displayed with one projector - if you are unsure or have any questions regarding this please feel free to email us.
If you are proposing a pre-existing work, please list its exhibition and or screening history.
Please note:
All information for a written proposal must be contained within a single PDF.
File to be formatted as LASTNAME_FIRSTNAME_PSFF_PROPOSAL.pdf
Video files either to be sent as a downloadable file or a link to vimeo, youtube or other video streaming services.
Applications will be assessed by the play_station programming panel consisting of the board members. We will provide a response as to whether your application is successful by mid March.
We look forward to hearing from you!
Lots of love,
The play_station team.